Table of Contents

Rehabilitative Incarceration

An act of the National Assembly to further define rehabilitative incarceration as it relates to Constitutional Title V, Article 7.


  1. The Ministry of Public Health shall develop and maintain correctional facilities which prioritize reintegration into society and reduction of recidivism over punitive punishment, except as provided in Constitutional Title V, Article 7 and Punitive Punishment
  2. Screening and Treatment
    1. All found guilty of a crime shall be screened for and provided treatment for:
      1. mental illness
      2. substance addictions
      3. illiteracy and lack of education
  3. Reintegration Training
    1. Offenders shall receive training in a field of employment that is immediately obtainable on release and pursuant to the offender's skills, abilities, and interests
    2. If reintegration is not possible due to the risk to society, continuing imprisonment shall focus on the prisoner's contribution to society.
      1. Social workers, independent from the facility, shall meet regularly with the prisoner to advise different ways the prisoner might contribute


Nihil Obstat, High Court of Keithieopia

Imprimatur, ⊗ /HIH Keith/
Emperor of Keithieopia

5th Keithmar 20 IY ⇔ December 1st, 2022 HY