Dominion of Keithieopia

A sovereign nation located in North America. Independence was declared on January 3rd, 2002.

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Recreational Drugs

An act of the National Assembly to decriminalize certain addictive substances.


  1. The Ministry of Public Heath shall be responsible for shall be responsible for scheduling addictive substances, devising max limits for each substance, and licensing
  2. This act is not applicable to substances prescribed by members of the Ministry of Public Health or those for sale by a Ministry of Public Health pharmacy, regardless of its classification under this section
  3. Substances produced outside of this act and not excluded by section 2 are subject to immediate forfeiture, loss of license, and/or fines
  4. Only adults, as established by Minimum and Maximum Ages, are allowed to consume substances regulated by this section
  5. Category One and Two Substances are recognized for their positive uses when used responsibly, and are prohibited from blanket bans by law
  6. Regulated Substances
    1. Category One Substances: available for sale and for consumer production via a recreational drug license:
      1. Alcohol
      2. Nicotine
      3. Cannabis
      4. Psilocybin
      5. Peyote
    2. Category Two Substances: available for sale via a recreational drug specialist license, but unavailable for consumer production
      1. LSD
      2. DMT
      3. Amphetamine
      4. Anabolic Steroids
    3. Category Three Substances: never available for general sale via this section
      1. GHB
      2. Cocaine
      3. Heroin
      4. Methamphetamine
  7. National Database
    1. A national database of consumers shall be maintained and updated for every sale of an additive substance
    2. Based on current medical knowledge,
      1. a max consumption limit shall be established for each substance to reduce the chance of harmful additions
      2. a formula for determining impairment levels for each substance be established to determine if crimes were committed “under the influence”
      3. The limits and formulas shall be updated periodically to reflect new medical knowledge and studies
      4. The max limit shall be reasonable, allow for recreational use, and not be established as to prevent consumption altogether
  8. Seller Licenses
    1. All sellers of Category Two substances are required to maintain a recreational drug specialist license granting the right to sell such products
    2. License holders are required to take periodic training by the Ministry of Public Health identifying drug addictiveness and addictive behavior
    3. License holders are prohibited from selling substances to consumers who have reached the max limit indicated by the national database
    4. License holders who violate any provision of this sections are subject forfeiting their license and subject fines
  9. Consumer Licenses
    1. Consumers may obtain a license to produce Category One substance: subject that
      1. the license holder consents to periodic inspections to enforce the established max limits
      2. the substance is for sole use and enjoyment of only the license holder
      3. the substance is not to be sold or given to others
    2. A special license may be obtained to buy quantities above the max limit for special occasions and/or parties
    3. Individual licenses must be obtained for each regulated substance
  10. Penalties for Irresponsible Behavior
    1. Unless otherwise stated, “under the influence” when used in the Keithieopian Criminal Code includes substances regulated in this section
    2. Purchase prohibitions may be made against convicts who have committed crimes under the influence; subject that:
      1. the prohibition is at the recommendation of a Ministry of Public Health panel who has reviewed the offender's case,
      2. the prohibition is not punitive in nature,
      3. applied only to the abused substance and not a blanket ban on all substances, and that
      4. A reasonable expiration time for the prohibition is established


Nihil Obstat, High Court of Keithieopia

Imprimatur, ⊗ /HIH Keith/
Emperor of Keithieopia

24th Nanamar 20 IY ⇔ July 23rd, 2022 HY

kcn-2022-39.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/25 16:50 by