Table of Contents


An act of the National Assembly to further election security and voter rights.


  1. A conspicuously colored permanent dye lasting more than two weeks shall be applied to the forefinger of each voter voting in person to quickly identify if they have voted or not
    1. Should the voter not have a forefinger, another finger shall be used
    2. Should the voter be handicapped in a way that they have no fingers, the dye shall be placed on another extremity that is easily seen
  2. Mass media and websites within the nation are prohibited from:
    1. Promote results contrary to certified election results
    2. Declare a winner before an election is over
  3. All citizens shall be automatically registered to vote
  4. Voting by mail or electronically shall not be denied if requested by a voter
  5. Ranked choice voting shall use the single transferable vote system using the Droop quota
  6. Every contest shall have a none of the above (NOTA) ballot option
    1. Should NOTA be declared the winner, a re-election shall be held for that contest with the current candidates on the ballot being prohibited from running in the re-election
    2. Should NOTA be declared the winner a second time during a re-election, the Premier (or the National Assembly if the contest is for the office of the Premier) shall appoint a non-candidate to fill the position


Nihil Obstat, High Court of Keithieopia

Imprimatur, ⊗ /HIH Keith/
Emperor of Keithieopia

24th Funfmar 20 IY ⇔ May 24th, 2022 HY
