====== Information Security ====== An act of the National Assembly to enforce mandatory minimums for information security. ===== Provisions ===== - All passwords are required to be stored using unreversible salted hashing - Mandatory disclosure within 2 weeks shall occur if data is stolen, hacked, or otherwise disseminated - All data shared with third parties shall be disclosed - Known broken or reversable encryption is prohibited from use - Encryption whenever possible shall use: - ed25519 ecliptic curve for public-key encryption - Serpent for private key encryption - Whirlpool for one-way hashing - Argon2id for password hashing ===== Authority ===== //Nihil Obstat//, High Court of Keithieopia //Imprimatur//, ⊗ /HIH Keith/\\ ''Emperor of Keithieopia'' 18th Unomar 21 IY ⇔ January 18, 2023 HY