====== Grand Unified Micronational ====== An act of the National Assembly to ratify and adopt the Grand Unified Micronational's ideals and founding documents. ===== Provisions ===== - The Dominion shall ratify the Grand Unified Micronational (GUM)'s 3rd charter and comply with its Chapters and subsequent articles - GUM's 3rd charter is located at: [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sys3Z22cNV8sJJm7LbnKMe9KmYsuTzROf8PbIgooVzg/]] - The Dominion shall ratify and comply with the 3rd edition of GUM's statues. - GUM's 3rd edition of its statutes is located at: [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/10VRo49ASc1amZoz6CbTDiTMSEYujPdyEIjP9ePANSB0/]] - The Emperor shall represent the Dominion in GUM as defined in Constitutional Title III, Article 7 - No GUM micronation overlaps or otherwise claims Dominion land at the time of this act. - Should GUM pass law claiming or legally support such claims to Dominion land, the Dominion shall terminate membership with GUM effective immediately - No part of this subsection shall prohibit the Dominion from maintaining "observer" status in GUM ===== Authority ===== //Nihil Obstat//, High Court of Keithieopia //Imprimatur//, ⊗ /HIH Keith/\\ ''Emperor of Keithieopia'' 4th Unomar 21 IY ⇔ January 4, 2023 HY ---- ===== Amendments ===== * 5th Unomar 21 IY ⇔ January 5th, 2023 HY * **Renames Title:** from ''GUM'' to ''Grand Unified Micronational''