====== Areas of Respect ====== An act of the National Assembly to enforce peace when entering certain solemn areas. ===== Provisions ===== - Personal electronics may be temporarily confiscated when entering: - nature preserves - designated memorials - museums - Personal electronics subject to confiscation are those which are not used to aid disabilities and may include: - Smart phones - Gaming devices - Cameras - Video recorders - Audio devices - Confiscation shall be limited for the duration of the visit and for the purpose of furthering the enjoyment or the solemn nature of the visited area - Periodically, special dates and times shall be made when items are not subject to confiscation ===== Authority ===== //Nihil Obstat//, High Court of Keithieopia //Imprimatur//, ⊗ /HIH Keith/\\ ''Emperor of Keithieopia'' 24th Nanamar 20 IY ⇔ July 23rd, 2022 HY