====== National Holidays ====== An act of the National Assembly defining national holidays of the Dominion. ===== Provisions ===== - All national holidays shall fall on an exact Month and Day of the year and not use complex calculations - The law shall not recognize any religious holiday, but shall not prohibit its celebration (Constitutional Right under Title IV, Article 2) - Holidays celebrating living people are prohibited - Old Imperial holidays are grandfathered into law - Holidays celebrating a constitutionally recognized office are permissible - Holidays celebrating racial or ethnic traits are prohibited under Constitutional Title IV, Article 1 - **Nationally Recognized Holidays:** - //New Year's Day// — New Year's day celebrates the start of a new year and a day to set personal goals. The holiday shall fall on Unomar 1 - //Constitution Day// — Constitution Day celebrates the transition from the Empire to a Democracy with the ratification of the Revised Constitution. The holiday shall fall on Unomar 27 - //Unity Day// — Unity Day celebrates the unity of all human beings and our common lineage despise differences. The holiday shall fall on Dosmar 10. - //Emperor's Day// — Emperor's day celebrates celebrates the foundation of the old Keithieopian Empire and the Emperor. The holiday shall fall on Keithmar 16 - //Year Week// — Year Week is an extended period of personal and national reflection. The holiday is a period of 5 days (6 days every 4 years) as defined in [[kcn:2022-03#dates|Imperial Measurements]] - //Coming of Age Day// — celebrates all persons reaching the [[kcn:2022-11|age of majority]] for the year. The holiday shall fall on Viermar 1 - Workers shall not be required to work on nationally recognized holidays ===== Authority ===== //Nihil Obstat//, High Court of Keithieopia //Imprimatur//, ⊗ /HIH Keith/\\ ''Emperor of Keithieopia'' 11th Dosmar 20 IY ⇔ February 10th, 2022 HY ---- ===== Amendments ===== * 10th Unomar 21 IY ⇔ January 10th, 2023 * **Adds §5f:** Coming of Age Day — celebrates all persons reaching the age of majority for the year. The holiday shall fall on Viermar 1