====== National Symbols ====== An act of the National Assembly for the adoption of certain symbols to stand for Keithieopia. ===== Provisions ===== [{{ :flag.png?400|National Flag}}] [{{ :coat_of_arms.png?400|Coat of Arms}}] - **Music:** - National Anthem - "[[kcn:2022-05|Our Country We'll Defend]]" - National March - "The Rowan Tree" - **Living Symbols** - **Flower** - Moonflower \\ //(Ipomoea alba)// - **Tree** - Weeping Willow \\ //(Salix babylonica)// - **Bird** - Emperor Penguin \\ //(Aptenodytes forsteri)// - **Mammal** - Western spotted skunk \\ //(Spilogale gracilis)// - **Lizard** - Common Five-lined Skink \\ //(Plestiodon fasciatus)// - **Fish** - Black Skirt Tetra \\ //(Gymnocorymbus ternetzi)// - **Butterfly** - Black Swallowtail \\ //(Papilio polyxenes)// - **Snake** - North American Racer \\ //(Coluber constrictor)// - The Realm's motto shall be "United in Mind and Thought" ===== Authority ===== //Nihil Obstat//, High Court of Keithieopia //Imprimatur//, ⊗ /HIH Keith/\\ ''Emperor of Keithieopia'' 2nd Dosmar 20 IY ⇔ February 1st, 2022 HY