====== Oaths ====== An act of the National Assembly for the creation of oaths, a pledge of allegiance, and a salute to Keithieopia. ===== Provisions ===== - Every member of the government, before they shall act as such, shall take the following oath of office: - I, //Surname, Name, Middle Name// do affirm without fear, favor, or prejudice, that I will impartially discharge the duties of the office of //Title of Office//, to the best of my abilities. - That I will preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of Keithieopia and its laws, against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. - That I will bear true allegiance to Keithieopia, giving my loyalty to the land and its people. - That I take this obligation freely, without hesitation or any mental reservation. - Every citizen, before they shall act as such, shall take an oath of citizenship: - I, //Surname, Name, Middle Name//, do affirm without fear, favor, or prejudice, that I will observe the Constitution and laws of the Dominion of Keithieopian - That I will bear true allegiance to Keithieopia, giving my loyalty to the land and its people. - That I take this obligation freely, without hesitation or any mental reservation. - Every citizen, before they shall act as such, shall take an oath of citizenship: - I, //Surname, Name, Middle Name//, do affirm without fear, favor, or prejudice, that I will observe the Constitution and laws of the Dominion of Keithieopian - That I take this obligation freely, without hesitation or any mental reservation. - All educational and commissioned services facilities shall pledge allegiance, before the start the day: - I will bear true allegiance to the Constitution of Keithieopia, giving my loyalty to the land and its people. - Individuals shall render a salute whenever giving an oath, a pledge, or the national anthem is played: - Left hand placed over the heart, with - palm facing downwards, and - hand formed into a fist ===== Authority ===== //Nihil Obstat//, High Court of Keithieopia //Imprimatur//, ⊗ /HIH Keith/\\ ''Emperor of Keithieopia'' 6th Nanamar 20 IY ⇔ July 5th, 2022 HY