====== Keithieopian Control Numbers ====== An act of the National Assembly for the creation of a standardized catalog system for all important Keithieopian Documents and acts of the Assembly. ===== Provisions ===== - All acts of the Keithieopian Government shall be labeled using a universal system called Keithieopian Control Numbers - A. National Assembly Acts shall be prefixed with "KCN" - National Assembly Amendments shall be prefixed with "KAM" - High Court cases shall be prefixed with "KHC" - Proclamations from the Emperor shall be prefixed with "PROC" - KCNs shall start with the current [[kcn:2022-03|Heathen Year]] and then shall be sequentially numbered - Amendments shall instead match the numbering of the act they are amending - Amendments shall be sequentially labeled A through Z for the respective 1st through the 26th made amendment - In accordance to Constitutional Title VII, Article 7: all publications shall receive a Nihil Obstat from the High Court - Acts of the National Assembly originally introduced by other branches shall receive an Imprimatur from that branch: - The Emperor, or - The Chancellor, or - The Premier - For historic purposes, laws may retain their date if they are older than the effective date of this act ===== Authority ===== //Nihil Obstat//, High Court of Keithieopia //Imprimatur//, ⊗ /HIH Keith/\\ ''Emperor of Keithieopia'' 25th Keithmar 20 IY ⇔ December 21, 2022 HY ---- ===== Amendments ===== * 5th Unomar 21 IY ⇔ January 5th, 2023 HY * **Provision 1:** All acts of the ''Keithieopian Government'' shall ''be labeled using a universal system called Keithieopian Control Numbers'' * National Assembly Acts shall be prefixed with "KCN" * National Assembly Amendments shall be prefixed with "KAM" * High Court cases shall be prefixed with "KHC" * Proclamations from the Emperor shall be prefixed with "PROC" * **Combines Provisions 2 and 3:** KCNs shall start with the current Heathen Year and then shall be sequentially numbered * Amendments shall instead match the numbering of the act they are amending * Amendments shall be sequentially labeled A through Z for the respective 1st through the 26th made amendment * **Provision 5:** Acts of the National Assembly originally introduced by other branches shall receive an Imprimatur from that branch: